I personally found the article very informative about SLAPP.

 As far as the Plaza Hotel and the developer, we in Burns Square continue to work WITH the developer to get the best possible project we can mentor in a positive way.  If the developer is proposing a project that is within the right THE CITY COMMISSION dictated in our codes, then what about his proposal makes him a ‘sob developer’ or has ‘developers greed’?  As they say, “don’t shoot the messenger”.

 I have great respect for the citizens concerned and nobody is saying they do not have a right to speak up; in fact it was never discouraged but honored.  As president of the Burns Square Property Owners Association, I spent time speaking with most of them and attended a condominium meeting on the subject as guest speaker.  But they choose to go in a different direction, hire a lawyer and stop open dialogue for constructive change. 

The hand was open but they have nobody to blame but them for the conflict that is now created by their actions…hopefully they will accept the open hand again and constructive debate can restart.

Denise Kowal, President, BSQ Property Owners

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