Pedestrian safety is a concern and we are addressing that issue in our recommendations for improvements to the Burns Square area. We are redesigning our crosswalks and adding several that currently do not exist along both S. Orange & S. Pineapple Avenues. We are also finding ways to increase the size of our sidewalks and number of on-street parking spaces. The intersections at Orange & Pineapple, Ringling & Pineapple and Ringling & Orange, Alderman & Orange have also been redesigned for a better pedestrian experience. We have also looked into ways to mark the transition from the downtown neighborhood to the residential neighborhoods. And of course our lighting is being installed to illuminate your walks in the evenings.

If you have any pedestrian safety concerns you want us to address please let us know.


Anonymous said...

The cross walks need to be defined well because the traffic is so fast along Orange Avenue. The traffic at the Women's Exchange also adds to the potential of a pedestrian injury because of the cars backed up being so close to the cross walks. Cannot the Women's Exchange redesign their entrances better?

Anonymous said...

I see the hazards being the cars that have to keep circling around the area to find a parking space. They go down the one way streets wrong, they turn around in areas that it is not allowed and they get frustrated and then take it out on us, the merchants.

Anonymous said...

Additional parking along Orange avenue would be fantastic and it would also help slow the traffic down on this street. The cars just zoom through without any care for the area.

Anonymous said...

I find one of the most dangerous places to be by the Women's Exchange. The people seem so focused on getting into that place that they miss seeing people crossing the road. You really need to slow down the traffic at this location and make a very visible cross walk. Possibly something raised or flashing.