We have been asked, "when will we share our vision that resulted from the charrette with the public?"

Hopefully soon.

Aside from the professionals who conducted our charrette who are paid to help us formulate our vision into a working document, we are all volunteers donating our time to accomplish a huge undertaking by creating a shared vision for the Burns Square area. Understandably a well organized presentation of this magnitude takes time.

We hope to be able to be on a City Commission agenda in the next couple of months presenting to the public our short term and long term visions. We do however have preliminary ideas and are willing to share those with neighborhood or business groups that would like us to speak at any upcoming meeting.

Some have confused our process with an institutional run charrette where not only is the institution the client but the public is as well since the fee is usually paid with public funds. The charrette we conducted had the Burns Square property owners as the client using private money therefore different processes applied to this than one funded with public money. Regardless, the Burns Square area invited the public and was pleased people took the time to come and express their ideas on how we can improve this charming area. We are excited to share our goals and hear feedback with those interested in our vision.


Anonymous said...

Have you considered presenting at the CCNA meeting? This way the different neighborhoods could see what you are planning. I really would be interested since I attended the workshop during your charrette weekend.

Anonymous said...

Per the SOS site they said the property owners association did not conduct a charrette.

Anonymous said...

As President of the Burns Square Property Owners Assoc., I have extended an offer to Ms. Susan Chapman and Mr. Dick Clapp to speak about the charrette we conducted and answer questions at the next CCNA meeting but neither of them replied.

Burns Square Property Owners Assoc. said...

The property owners did conduct a 4 day charrette.

Anonymous said...

I am not a member of any association but I do visit the Cinema in the area often. I think the area keeps getting better and is in desperate need of parking. I would like to hear some of the plans the owners envision for the future. Could you post any times you may give a presentation, so that I may attend? I would appreciate the opportunity.